Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fall Herd health Day

Yesterday was our "second annual" herd health day.
I'm thankful for the "many hands" that made "light work" --and pitched in for the heavy work.
My grandson, Andrew, tried out the "going green" lawnmower. It was harder than he thought it would be!
I had ALL of the young women in my life who have spent time with me on the farm, learning about llamas and alpacas, listening to my stories, and helping with farm chores: Amanda, Natalie, Rebecca, Jayden.
It was Avary Julianne's FIRST trip to the barn. She did great! She was a happy little camper for the entire time she was here. And, of course, what a doll.
Bruce and Josh were their usual great selves, catching animals, helping with shots, trimming up a few of the show llamas, and hypnotizing a chicken. Yes, you read right. Josh showed me how to hypnotize one of my chickens -- which was pretty funny.
It made me wonder what other great games farm kids have invented?
Natalie kept the needles filled and coming -- with dewormer -- and marked off the animals on the list as they were dewormed.
Sally and Jim were new to farm work. They are future alpaca ranchers and want to learn on the job before they embark on their own farm -- up near Chicago.
Jayden and Rebecca helped to hose off Topcat -- a white alpaca boy who is struggling with the residual effects of weeks of terrible temperatures here.
Tammy came bringing tomatoes, tales and thoughts of developing an underground "bat cave" to keep animals cool in the summer. Hmmmm -- it COULD happen.
Thank you to all who came to help, break bread and THEN -- Natalie and Michael even came back (along with Katey, Ron and kids) to pick up the hay in the field and stack it in the barn.
Again, I'm blessed.

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