Friday, January 1, 2010

"Hay" -- it's winter!

One of the cool things about owning llamas and alpacas is this: no matter what the temps -- wind, rain, snow, ice -- you have to spend a little time outside each day. It makes one hardy.

This photo is of a few of my critters at the big, round bale I put out. I have hay in the barn, too -- but some prefer the great outdoors for munching.

That's Peppy on the left -- she's an alpaca. "Oh dear my Goodness" is the beige girl who's turned her head to see the photographer. She's a lovely girl with a sweet personality and a small reddish "heart" on her blanket.

Looks like Hanse behind Peppy -- he's a big old gelding who was recently in the St. Nicholas parade. Might be Yzma on the far right, behind the bale. With a llama sitting on the left.

These are mountainous animals -- by history and evolution. They love the winter and enjoy the brisk cold. It means nothing to them to have a blanket of snow on their backs and meander the pasture looking for those hidden blades of grass.

Some of them never leave the barn in winter. They like the "salad bar style" of hay feeding that is always available. They are mostly the older girls.

Hurrah for winter!

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